Have A Brain? Use It.

Creative Thinking and Estimation

A picture book enjoyed by tweens, Counting on Frank by Rod Clement is an excellent book for Elementary Students with the comical pictures of his absurd calculations and imagination.

A picture book enjoyed by tweens, Counting on Frank by Rod Clement is an excellent book for Elementary Students with the comical pictures of his absurd calculations and imagination.

The assignment: Choose a children’s literature book and explain why the book reveals something about you. Counting on Frank by Rod Clement was my first choice. Frank’s father tells him if he has a brain, use it, and so Frank creates mathematical problems with large numbers and significant estimation strategies. One of my favorites is his calculation for knocking off 15 peas from his dinner plate each night for eight years, bringing the pea level on the floor to the top of the table. Frank explains, “Maybe then Mom would understand that her son does not like peas.” Count on Frank and the peas

Like Frank, I am not a great fan of peas, but it is the mathematical thinking that draws me to the book and the questions: “What if?” or “How many?” What if his toaster was the size of a house? What if he grew at the same rate as a gum tree? How many cans of dog food are needed to fill the shopping cart? How many pieces of candy in a candy jar? How long of a line could I draw before the ink would run out? Frank is a pro at creative math, estimations, critical thinking, and thinking mathematically. He thinks like this throughout the day in all areas of his life. He has a brain and uses it, while taking a bath, watching television, going to sleep. He is a kid who has learned the fun of thinking critically and exploring with math.

As educators and parents it is a book we can use to inspire the same characteristics in our children. After reading the book, set up some estimation problems to get them started in the process. For younger children provide a small jar and a bag of M&M’s. Together create a strategy for estimating how many M&M’s will cover the bottom of the jar and then how many in half the jar, or a full jar. While we could say “guess,” increase vocabulary and mathematical and scientific language by using “estimate,” or “hypothesize.” (Counting to see how close the estimation is to the actual number is a great way to practice counting.) With older students compute the area of their bedroom, and then have a blast predicting how many of a variety of items it will take to fill the room. (Some will be ready to calculate the area minus the area of their furniture.) It would take 769 of my small dog to completely fill my empty office, or with my furniture 691. As active as Tilly is, there is no way that many dogs, could be shoved into place! Using our imaginations, math can be silly, fun, and an excellent way to create a love for math and creative thinking. Remember what Frank’s dad always told him: Have a brain? Use it.

Asking questions can be fun and insightful as well. Ask your kids, what is a book you have read which reveals something about you? How about you? What children’s book would you choose that reveals something about you? Leave a comment below.